About IPconnect
Blog: \ ‘blȯg, ‘bläg \ n, fr. Weblog or Web log (1998) : a Web site that contains an online journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer intended to enhance the communication and culture of a chosen audience or society…
Welcome to IPconnect… IPParalegals blog home and a great place for industry practitioners and professionals to assimilate and discuss IP-centric information. Within these pages one may peruse best practices pertaining to the processes and intricacies of Intellectual Property prosecution. Blog members may also post comments for discussion.
Our blog site currently features three main sections: From The Expert’s Quill, Workaround Workshop and Press Releases:
• From The Expert’s Quill is a tutorial center where general IP prosecution process and workflow discussions will take place.
• Workaround Workshop is a more technical variation of The Expert’s Quill. This section uncovers less-publicized remedies to specific process issues and is intended to help IP professionals improve their craft.
• Press Releases are where we publish articles and interviews for multimedia distribution, as well as announce special “goings on” within our Firm.
If there is a fresh topic you would like to see addressed in our blogs, please email us about it! We will gladly review your request to determine the applicability of its subject matter. For requests that are deemed inapplicable or inappropriate for publication on IPconnect, we will make every reasonable attempt to respond to your inquiry directly.
Thank you for visiting IPParalegals’ IPconnect blog site. Have a great day and we hope you enjoy your stay.
Note from the Founder
IP prosecution is rife with grey areas. Very rarely are things black and white. Which means the best practice ideas published within my own articles and comments may not be the only ones available… just the best ones I have found in 25+ years of doing this.
If you do something differently or have found a better way to get results, then I encourage you to please take a few moments and share your knowledge on IPconnect with others in our field.