postheadericon Hedy Lamarr was an inventor?

... and Now For Something Completely DifferentI recently saw something indicating that Hedy Lamarr was an inventor and I just had to check it out.  Well, I certainly learned a few things (actually a lot) about Ms. Lamarr that I didn’t know.  She was born in Austria 1914 and moved to Hollywood soon after 1932.  In 1933 she made a Czech film entitled “Ecstasy” which featured a nude scene by her – this scene was at least partly the cause of the major American film studios forbidding nudity in films from 1934 until the late 1960s.

postheadericon Assignments are more important now than ever!

IPPararalegals Workaround WorkshopOn June 9, 2010, the UK Court of Appeal successfully avoided ruling on a 2009 decision by the England and Wales High Court (Patent Court) confirming the decision of the Board of Appeals of the EPO in case No. T 0788/05[1] which held that priority can only be claimed by the identical applicant(s) of the relevant earlier application or his valid successor in title[2].

postheadericon What is a PCT?

Well, it is not a patent – there is no such thing as a “granted international patent.”  In reality, “PCT” has two meanings. To begin with, it is the official acronym for Patent Cooperation Treaty, which is a binding agreement between numerous countries to cooperate in the action of protecting inventions. However, PCT is also patentspeak for the application that gets filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty as well as its processes.

Say what? I can imagine the confusion generated by that sentence from here.  🙂